Using Quarter Scale Patterns to Practice Pattern Techniques

These little pattern pieces are small, but incredibly useful!

What is a quarter-scale pattern?  It's a tiny version of a block pattern, which you will use to practice the various pattern and design techniques outlined on this site.  

Using a full-scale block pattern to experiment and learn how to manipulate darts, slash-and-spread your pattern, etc., is very cumbersome.  Using the smaller scale patterns allows you to get comfortable with the steps you'll need to do to get the style you want. 

The quarter scale pattern set is an easy way to practice pattern techniques. That's what it's used for - and that's ALL it's used for. While it may be based on a certain size, it's unlikely that it's going to be your size, at least not precisely.  And remember, the purpose of a block pattern is to establish the perfect fit for you.  

So - your full-sized block is what you use to create your patternsThe quarter scale patterns are used to practice design techniques BEFORE you work with your full-sized pattern. 

You do NOT ever increase the quarter scale pattern to full scale.  Many people have asked about that, but increasing the size of the practice pattern is useless.  As I said, it's highly unlikely that the size will be correct, and it defeats the purpose of creating a full-scale block to use as the basis of your personal fashion patterns. 

No, after working out the steps you'll need to create your style, you will then repeat those steps using your FULL-SCALE block (which DOES fit you!) .  You'll have a pattern that fits and reflects your style!

Print your quarter scale patterns here.  Glue the sheet of pattern pieces to card-stock, then cut them out.  You can use them over and over again!

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